Next-Gen Methane Management
in the Waste Sector 

Mar 20, 11:00 AM PT

Join us at the webinar

Join us on March 20 to learn the latest innovations in landfill gas (LFG) management, with a focus on methane detection and monitoring in landfills.  As the waste sector aligns with the US EPA's Next Generation Emission Measurement (NGEM) research initiatives, understanding advanced methane management strategies has never been more critical. 

In this session, Andres Quijano will show some examples of some of the technologies that your landfill could be required to implement. He will discuss how modern technology is bridging the gap between regulatory evolution and practical implementation of modern, cost-effective monitoring solutions. 

Benefits of Attending:
Learn about cost-efficient technologies that align with EPA's next-generation measurement approaches
Identify cost effective strategies for implementing advanced methane monitoring solutions
See how 24/7 monitoring technology is revolutionizing leak detection and response times
Andres Quijano
Sales Manager ‑ Americas Omnis & Water in Americas

Andres Quijano brings over 20 years of experience implementing innovative landfill gas monitoring systems across the waste sector. Throughout his career, he has successfully led numerous LFG monitoring implementations at major landfill sites, resulting in significant improvements in leak detection efficiency and methane capture rates. Andres specializes in integrating hardware and software solutions that enable environmental professionals and site operators to optimize their LFG management plans through data-driven decision making.  
